
Melt Fat. Tighten Skin. Eliminate Cellulite.

Start looking amazing today.

CryoSculpting is performed with one of the most innovative devices in the industry. The machine is a versatile device that uses thermal shock technology to provide clients everything from non-invasive facelifts, body slimming, sculpting, and toning, to quick pain relief. A personal consultation will provide a detailed, customized plan to help achieve your desired results.

Adicell Thermo Technology

Using Cryo and Thermal shock at varying times and frequencies, CryoSculpting can eliminate fat, reduce cellulite, and tighten loose skin. Our state-of-the-art Adicell thermographic technology allows us to create a customized plan to eliminate fat from the body. The Adicell provides a visual interpretation to assess where a client has hard and soft fat in order to make professional recommendations. Thermal imaging plates are placed on the part of the body the client is receiving the CryoSculpting treatment.

CryoSculpting Adicell Technology
CryoSculpting Adicell Technology
CryoSculpting Adicell Technology

These plates allow us to see the heat signature of the underlying tissues, highlight the presence or absence of the typical signs of cellulite and types of adiposity in various parts of the body. This comprehensive cellular analysis of your body composition allows us to address the areas that need the most attention. This customization is what sets us apart – allowing you to feel better and look your best!

CryoSculpting Therapies

CryoSculpting CryoSlimming


This safe and painless service uses extreme cold to eliminate fat cells to targeted areas of the body. The Adicell technology produces thermal imagery, allowing us to create a customized plan to eliminate stubborn fat with the thermal shock process. Body parts that can be targeted include stomach area, thighs and hips, love-handles, double chins, arms, and back. For best results, treatments should be done every 2 weeks to allow proper elimination of toxins. Treatment times may vary.

CryoSculpting CryoCellulite

CryoCellulite Reduction

Alternating between hot and cold temperatures, the CryoCellulite setting combined with a massage technique helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The outcome is a smoothe, non-dimpled appearance. During the treatment, our massage technique allows the cold to penetrate deep below the skin to break down hard fibrous tissue and fat deposits. This cellulite reducing protocol will naturally produce collagen and elastin, leaving your skin supple and dimple-free. For best results, this treatment is done once a week to allow for proper elimination of toxins.

CryoSculpting CryoToning


CryoToning targets areas of damaged skin caused by environmental factors including sun exposure, toxins, pollutants, as well as smoking, and alcohol. This treatment boosts circulation, increases oxygen supply, and reduces inflammation. Expediting this reaction stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in tighter, more toned skin.

CryoToning services can be performed on areas including the:

  • Glutes
  • Neck (double chin)
  • Chest
  • Thighs and hips
  • Arms
  • Butt Lifts
  • Face Lifts

For best results, this treatment should be done twice a week to promote healthy circulation. Treatment times may vary from anywhere between ten minutes to one hour. We offer customizable packages to fit your body’s needs.

CryoSculpting CryoFacial

Cryo Facials

Cryo Facials are a non-invasive therapeutic method, alternating cold and hot temperatures, triggering the increase of blood flow, nutrient supply, and oxygen. These facials allow for reproduction of collagen and elastin. The results are a more contoured, lifted and toned face, along with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improved skin elasticity.

Facials range in length from 30-60min. During your free consultation a customized package will be designed to best fit your skin glow goals. For best results, this treatment should be done twice a week.

Cryo Facials

Acne Reduction Anti-Aging
Decollete Double Chin
FaceLift “Lunchtime Lift”
Rosacea Reduction Severe Wrinkles
Turkey Neck WOW – “Red Carpet Ready”

Common Facial Therapies

Anti-Aging Facial FaceLift Facial
The WOW Facial Lunchtime Lift Facial
Acne Reduction Facial Rosacea Reduction Facial
Double Chin Facials Decollete Facials


CryoSculpting Benefits

Painless and Non-Invasive

Eliminates Fat Cells

Reduces the Appearance of Cellulite

Face Lifting and Toning

Body Slimming and Contouring

Tightens and Smoothes Skin

Speeds up Cellular Repair

Turn Back Time With CryoSculpting

Every CryoSculpting therapy plan is custom and unique to your individual goals. To get started, schedule your 30 minute consultation with our Master Sculptor.

Schedule Your Consultation